Sanskrit: Uttanasana
English: Standing Forward Fold
Shape Shifting Posture: Fiddle Fern
Lesson of the Fiddle Fern:
As the Fern unravels it’s way into life it shifts upward and opens it tiny heart to allow all the magic to be dispersed into the realm of life.
The Fiddle head fern reminds how powerful folding and going within can be.
And as in nature, the unfolding, the opening up brings a birth; new beginnings, new perspectives.
Each yoga practice we can bring this “beginners mind” to the mat, meeting ourselves exactly where we are.
Benefits, Systems, & Considerations
Benefit of the pose
(how it will help/systems it supports)
Strengthens the core, spinal muscles and quads
Stretches that hips and hamstrings
Allows elongation and opening of the entire spine (cervical, thoracic and lumbar regions)
Is a very calming pose – helping to relieve anxiety and stress
Systems benefited
Skeletal and muscular system are strengthened, tension and tightening released
Nervous system is allowed more space calming
Circulatory and endocrine systems are benefited form the inversion process. Bringing the heart lower than the head reverses the pull of gravity, bringing an energetic flush to these areas
With Hamstring or back injuries, be sure to keep micro bend in knees and go slow following
the breath
Neck injuries be aware of elongating the neck and relaxing shoulders down
If pregnant, a wider stance can allow room for the lower belly to be more comfortable