Somatic Yoga Hybrid Classes

Soleil Sundays ~ Honor Your Light Within
~ 5:30pm w/ Claudia
Lunar Lunes ~ Own Your Power
~ 8:30am w/ Claudia
Terruñio Tuesdays ~ Comprehend to Transcend
~ 6pm w/Claudia
Oak Wisdom Wednesdays ~ Balance it Out
~ 8:30am & 5pm w/Claudia
Maktub Thursdays ~ Follow Your Written Path
~ 6pm Online w/Kandice
Festive Fridays ~ Celebrate Your Orenda
~ 8:30am w/Jackie
Lyle Sabados ~ Live a Little, Lounge a Little
~ 9am (Claudia & Jackie Alternating)

Live - In House with Hands on Corrections.
Live - Online Classes for Verbal Corrections.
Online Video Portal Access for pre-recorded classes to practice any time, anywhere

Energies of your SPINE
by Dendritic Philosphy


Sol ~ Luna

Energías de tú ESPINA

por la Filosofía Ramificada

Our Style of Somatic Yoga Classes

Claudia has created a Dendritic Philosophy that honors the Wisdom of the WISE. WISE are those that have Walked In Sacred Expressions of their truths. The WISE are the teachers from all around the world. From being inspired by the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas to the Ancient form of Hatha Yoga (Solar/Soleil & Lunar/Luna) energies from the East. As a guide we will help you fine tune your mindbody vessel thru the journey of your SPINE. Leaving you Spiritually, Physically, Intellectually, Naturally Emotionally Balanced.

The use of Nature breathing techniques and unplanned or unscripted postures will prove to be powerful to managing and modifying your life off the mat and into the world. In other words we give you want you need.

We meet you where you are. Our focus is on mindfulness and understanding our alignment with the world.
We are a non heated studio. Fears welcomed and hugs are given.

All classes at y Respira’s Raleigh NC Yoga are excellent for: beginners, prenatal or expecting mamas, intermediate, advanced practitioners, injuries, asthma, fibromyalgia, anxiety, stress, lower back ailments (such as bulging or herniated degenerative disc disease), high blood pressure, arthritis…

Nuestro Estilo de Clases

Claudia ha creado una Filosofía Ramificada que honra la Sabiduría del SABIO. Los SABIOS son aquellos que han Caminado En Expresiones Sagradas de sus verdades. Los SABIOS son los maestros de alrededor de todo el mundo. Están inspirados de la Gente Indígena de Las Américas hasta la Antigua forma de Hatha Yoga (Solar/Soleil & Lunar/Luna) energías del Este. Como guía, te ayudaremos a perfeccionar tu cuerpo mental por medio de una jornada de tu ESPINA. Te dejaremos Espiritualmente, Físicamente, Intelectualmente y Naturalmente Balanceado Emocionalmente.

El uso de técnicas de respiración de la Naturaleza y poses no planificadas o ensayadas demostrarán el poder de manejar y modificar tú vida fuera de la esterilla de yoga, (yoga mat), hacia el mundo. En otras palabras, te daremos lo que necesitas.

Te encontraremos donde tú te encuentras. Nuestro enfoque está en la contemplación y entendimiento de nuestro alineación con el mundo.

Todas las clases en Raleigh NC Yoga son excelentes para: practicantes principiantes, madres en espera o prenatales, intermedios, avanzados; personas que padecen de lesiones, asma, fibromyalgia, ansiedad, estrés, problemas de la espalda ( por ejemplo, enfermedades degenerativas de los discos, sobresalientes o con hernia); alta presión, artritis…..

Somos un estudio sin calefacción. Temores son bienvenidos y se dan abrazos.

Claudia holds space by empowering those willing to discover the power of connecting to their breath using Meditation from the Natural World & Yoga postures, by honoring their Orenda, or spiritual force, and walking their own Spiritual Path in a Sacred manner.
She will empower you to remain present to what you need.
Claudia is compassionate, mindful and connected to students throughout their process of becoming the best version of themself.
Claudia continuously checks in with students outside of class to maintain insightful to their needs.

Claudia da espacio de retención para motivar aquellos que están deseando de descubrir el poder de conectar a su respiración utilizando Meditación del Mundo Natural y poses de Yoga, dándole honores a su Orenda, o fuerza espiritual, y caminando a su propio Pazo Espiritual en una manera Sagrada. Ella te dará la fortaleza para que te mantengas presente en lo que tú necesitas.Claudia es compasiva, consciente y conecta con sus estudiantes durante el proceso de convertirse en la mejor versión de su ser.Claudia continuamente esta en contacto con los estudiantes fuera de clase para que estos se mantengan perspicaces de sus necesidades.

~Nance M (Nurse Practitioner),
“Claudia is a gifted teacher in a magical location. She always seems to know exactly what I need. I am impressed with the breadth of her knowledge of yoga, anatomy, physical therapy/movement, and her ability to blend poetry, art and yoga into a beautiful tapestry of practice. If you are looking for a real teacher of life and all that being human encompasses Claudia is your person. Every class is a beautiful adventure. Y Respira helps me to handle my daily life challenges and inspires me and motivates me to continue to focus on where I am going and what I would like to accomplish.”

~Nance M (Enfermera Profesional)~
“Claudia es una maestra dotada en un local mágico. Ella siempre parece saber exactamente lo que yo necesito. Yo estoy muy impresionada con la amplitud de su conocimiento de yoga, anatomía, terapia física/movimiento, y su abilidad de mezclar poesía, arte y yoga en un hermoso tapiz de práctica. Si estás buscando a una maestra de la vida verdadera y de todo lo que ser un humano embarca, Claudia es tu persona. Cada clase es una bella aventura. Y Respira me ha ayudado a manejar mis dificultades diarias y me inspira y motiva a continuar enfocándome a donde voy y qué quiero lograr.”

Classesmind y body


mind y body

Workshops/Eventsyoga off the mat


yoga off the mat

Trainingsdiscover your inner teacher


discover your inner teacher

Retreatsharmony with nature


harmony with nature

“Taking your class is a fulfilling experience on so many different levels. The physical challenge and discovery I feel have given me great optimism about my health. The sensory experience is extraordinary – from the scents to the music to the lovely setting to the sound of your soothing and colorful voice – it’s gratifying just to be there. On an emotional level, there never fails to be a sense of camaraderie with other students, whether I know them or not, and your warmth and humor and support bring so much. Finally, for me, the spiritual level is supported as well. That has partly to do with how each person approaches their practice, I suppose, but you create the space and support to allow deep spiritual feelings during the class.”

— Julie B.

Things to Know

All Yoga Classes

  • Eat light 2-3 hours prior to class

  • Hydrate throughout day

  • Wear light, breathable clothing that is fitted

  • Bare feet is normal (non-slip socks could be worn in winter)

  • Bring small towel

  • Children 13 years and older can participate in Adult classes with parental consent

Yoga Etiquette

  • Be punctual to every class

  • Enter and settle down quietly

  • Minimize conversation

  • Turn off your electronics

  • Wear appropriate yoga clothing

  • Remove shoes as you enter

  • Limit perfume and cologne

  • Mind your personal hygiene

  • Respect the teacher & fellow students

  • Observe silence during Savasana

  • Clean your immediate area & mats

  • Sign in or pay with our a reminder

  • No GUM or CANDY: A severe choking hazard

  • Stay Hydrated

  • Wear a smile - Mandatory.
