Jackie Fannell, RYT200
Yoga can be many different things to different people. And it can evolve over time. My journey with yoga began in 2006 when someone recommended it to help me deal with my anxiety. For years my practice was on-again off-again until I found y Respira in 2015. I remember attending 6:30 am classes with two individuals who were going through yoga teacher training with Claudia and how much I loved learning along with them. And here I am years later teaching and sharing the gifts of yoga with others.
What I so appreciate and value about yoga is that you can show up on your mat in so many different ways and there is no judgement. I’ve shown up tired, energetic, laughing and crying and the mat is there to greet me and hold space for me. It’s taught me to treat myself with compassion and acceptance. Creating a safe space that allows others to authentically show up for their practice brings me so much joy.
In addition to teaching yoga, I work full-time for a non-profit organization that works to improve rural and underserved communities’ access to quality health care. I live with my husband of 30 years and our two cats Pearl & Edie.