Oak Wisdom Wednesday

She came into our lives just over a year after Soleil’s passing. We were used to having 2 doggies in our pack and Chris asked me a few times if I was ready to find a friend for Wrangler.
So one day I did a search for a yorkie poodle daschund. I have no idea why, but that was what came to mind. And there was a posting that said there were puppies. So we set up a date to take Wrangler and us to meet the pups.

Oak was not interested inWrangler. But for some strange reason, she became our new little family member.
We debated on the names of Acorn or Oak. She was brown like both and sooo sweet.
Her and Wrangler would run around every room wrestling and playing and having so much fun. They were like 2 peas in a pod.

Wrangler was pretty uncontollable and hyper sensitive. He loved to escape, he would push himself thru our legs out the door and also was able to jump over the fence. So I changed the fence. We added a storm door. That didn’t work. We tried electric fence but just the collars itself threw him into panic and he wouldn’t even leave the house to go to the bathroom. So that didn’t work. I then added height to our fence. And we began having the mudroom built to create an extra safety barrier.

I will add having a 2 year old and chasing a doggie isn’t the easiest.

Oak was about to turn 1 year young and the day the guy was going put the storm door on as that was the last thing we needed to add.
Chris was getting ready to head out to work, the weather changed and our we learned that our door had too much space and it opened just enough for Wrangler to run right thru it and Oak followed.
Chris said, “They’ll be back”. I said we don’t know that. Any time Wrangler would break out he would head to the dog park. All of our dogs enjoyed their time at the dog park. This time he ran towards to main streets. They disappeared.
About 1/2 hr later I received a phone call from a man saying he was holding Oak and she was dying his arms. She had been hit by a car. The woman never stopped.
When I went to get in my car, Wrangler came running alone. For some reason he gave me no problem this time to enter the house.

I drove to her, she was intact, but not alive.
Our sweet Oak.
She taught us to be grateful for each moment. To look for areas where we can find more balance. To reach our arms and roots out wide and long and to never give up.
She taught strength and fearlessness and love. I will always remember them wrestling and then her running straight up to us when we were seated on the couch and she was plant a wet kiss on our lips and then run back to Wrangler to play.

She is buried under our St. Francis statue and I think about her everyday. I look at the beautiful Oaks of our yard and honor her Spirit.
Though it was very little time and not enough memories, our time together is cherished and you are deeply missed sweet one.

Oak Wisdom Wednesday.
A balanced concept.
The roots and the branches reach their balanced edges to create harmony and strength and stability. When we lost our Oak I learned a bit more about death and the transfer into the wind. The spirit that soared in her dissolved into our OAks as Soleil shined her light in her so magically. It was all unexpected and sad and hard and it made me weaker and it made me stronger and she thickened my skin that year and for the years to come. I think losing her was one of the many failures I will have in my life and really it just sucked! It sucked a lot of life out of me and some things are just so hard to comprehend. I miss her swift kisses and her softness and freeness but in time I opened myself to another. And then I lived again. Oak Wednesday’s for me are about trusting that the balance willl happen in time and that we, like the standing people need our space to reach for Soleil. If not we will consciously suffocate ourselves and stop growing. Oak, I live you little girl and struggle to find balance and my place in this world but am so grateful that you are everywhere for me to lean on and remind me of my truths. Wednesdays is your Sacred time to honor your spirit in the trees


Maktub Thursday


y Respira…