National Arthritis Month

 How beautiful are the lungs that give you life. To think that your lungs not only allow you to keep living but filter out toxins, they help move circulation through your body. They let you be here in the now. What do you think arthritis has to do with your lungs? Based on working with students with arthritis, students find that by breathing and channeling the breath through the body. The Arthritis that gets trapped in their joint softens and flushes out of their system. That aching, hardness in the joints restricts their mobility but with the help of our synovial fluid along with their circulation the rivers of life open and they are able to move more freely. I find something as simple as drinking a certain coffee that my joints become inflamed and then I think, what if I kept drinking this coffee? For me, it gets worse. So I learn quickly on what to back away from, if not then I am consciously choosing to hurt myself ;/ and the practice of Ahimsa / Non violence goes right our the window. Everyday I must practice living, staying awake, and honoring my sacred temple of mindbody. What foods aggravates your arthritis? What can you back away from so that it doesn't get worse?


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