The Vault, The Garage, & La Casita

Tonight in training one of the students asked me the differences in energy and what the students thought about the different spaces I occupied while owning RaleighNCYoga aka Y Respira Yoga Studio. This is what I learned. I was originally downtown on Fayetteville St in a space now titled Vault Yoga. Though the space was neat, it was not for me. It was in the basement of downtown Raleigh, yes in a bank vault, but it had low ceilings and difficulty with parking. It was suitable for the time as the opportunity arrived and I took it. I have never been much of a city person, so it was very out of my comfort zone. The decor I chose were bold colors with a hint of Morrocan theme. I added some laminate flooring and turned off the flourenscent lighting. The original flooring is green carpet and there were steel bars inside that made the space look like a jail. There was no natural lighting so students complained about that, but it was a great space to feel surrounded by the earth b/c you were in a basement. The decor now is a bit more on the cold metal and modern side that embraces the concrete architecture of downtown. It adds to the modern urban feel that some love.  This location suited me well as it gave me the opportunity to create an oasis within the cement walls of a downtown. I also had the opportunity to meet some wonderful people.
The landlord was wonderful and she is a dear friend to me. It was an opportunity to embrace something that was not what I pictured for a yoga studio. The wonderful thing is that there is a place for students downtown to practice and that the owner -Patricia is a graduate of Raleigh NC Yoga's first training program. The element energy was metal.The Garage.
When we were expecting our sweet Victoria, I couldn't imagine commuting downtown with a baby or having to be away from her to commute so we decided to move further north, just between North and South Raleigh. We found this great space convenient to home and in an area where there was less traffic and parking issues. Not a worry on getting a ticket -YAY!!! to say the least. The thing is this place was also the element of metal. A garage/ warehouse style space. And another awesome landlord:)We were downtown for about 2.5 years and on Millbrook for exactly a year. This location had sunlight and easy access to the entrance, high ceilings, and a room to do Thai Yoga Therapy:) We chose a neutral color and the students responded well to the more open feel of energy, b/c it had that sunlight and the spacial feeling of the high ceilings. The floor was cold- this time concrete, which we covered with vinyl and I really enjoyed this space. It brought a bit more clarity to my life. I am grateful for the move. The elemental energy was metal, air, and maybe some fire. But I still was missing the Wind and Water. And this is where La Casita came in to view. Since the birth of Victoria, I found it cumbersome and hard to juggle a business and being a mom. This was all new to me and I felt like the energy shifted. I needed to get my wind back and flow again like the water. One day Chris- my husband, gave me the idea of building a shed to teach in. And forget it. The seed was planted. This time it is what I wanted, what I imagined as a sanctuary or sangha as other s may say. Lots of windows to welcome the elements. The sound of rain falling on a metal roof. The flow of air with high ceilings, the warm fiery sun, and my favorite- the sound of the wind in the trees. I live with the elements and the seasons. Hatha Yoga is the balance of the sun and moon. Our home is yellow for the sun. La Casita is Dusty Violet for the moon. Soleil my little doggie has always been my sunshine ; she is pure Love. Opal Luna has been my moon (she is the wisdom of power). We have a big Yin Yang sign in our garden which I get to wake up to.  It is a sign of ease, a sign of balance, clarity. And with this all in mind the universe has allowed me to flow through my paths and currents and the many storms to arrive hear. To La Casita where I can breathe freely and feel safety within the surroundings of Mother Earth and Father Sky.
This is the place, space, and time to take my passion to the next levels and I am so excited to keep embarking on this wonderful journey called life. This is the space where the students have felt balanced and stable because the elements exist around them.


Yoga for "Dis-eases"


Moving Date Feb 3rd.