What we bring to the table.
In speaking with a student earlier I came upon a lovely conclusion. That I have chosen a career that takes people to their edge. Away from what they are mostly comfortable with. My student/teacher says she has a desire to communicate and connect more with others, but there is a underlying fear that she is unsure of. Technology as we know it brings us closer to things yet from a big distance. As a teacher and guide how do I comfortably take her to that edge? With communication being mainly based on technology we begin to lack the ability to truly connect with what life is all about. Our senses. How does me being on the computer make me more aware and awake if I am only using a few digits and vey little eye movement?How can I hear the pain in someone's voice by a text? I can only interpret what I think based solely on my thoughts and reactions to things, not theirs. Especially if they are content with choosing to be connectedly disconnected.What does it mean to be alive to you today? To me? The feel of the air against my cheek.The smell of chickens in my yard.The laughter of the final leaves on the tree.A hug.The touch of someone's hand.The connection of energy when I look at someone directly in their eyes and acknowledge them as a being.We can't do this if we live behind technology.We can't do this if we hide behind these silly screens and teach our children this is okay.We can't do this if we are becoming more absorbed in Ipads than our dinner date.I am not big on posts b/c where is the truth behind the words. B/c texting and emails and fancy communications devices are left at just that. Words. I want to see and connect with my student teachers. Make them feel what living on he edge of ourselves is all about. Growing and constantly changing. Fearing nothing. Loving everything.Embrace what we don't like and learn from it. That is what yoga is about. B/C if you don' t like the pose, you probably need it.Wouldn't you agree?