Yoga Retreat, maybe a little hiking, golf, oh yes and you....

Ahhhhh!!!!!! Summer is just around the corner and can you  imagine yourself just swinging on this nice cozy swing in the mountains, listening to the creek nearby?Join Claudia on this relaxation getaway into the Heart of the Blue Ridge Mountains amongst all the waterfalls.We will begin the day with some nice stretchy and relaxation yoga that will leave you feeling refreshed and awake for a day to do exactly what you would like. You can explore with a friend, go hiking, shopping, golfing at Sapphire Valley , or maybe read a book by the creek or lake. You will conclude your day with a nice winding down practice to help you sleep well through the night.

No obligations. No expectations. You get to just Relax and be yourself!

Dates are Thursday, June 6th to Sunday, June 9th, 2013Location is in Sapphire Valley, Nc

Flexitarian Retreat- You bring your own food;)

Only $225 with a deposit of $125.Couples can reserve their own room for $400
Memory Lodge June 6-9




$pending big bucks for Yoga clothes? Really?