“I’m finding my connection to the earth again. I’m finding myself again and thanks to that I can help others do the same. Claudia is the only teacher I have ever met with the passion for actually teaching. She really cares about what she teaches- she lives it. And it’s important to her that you learn to live it too. Starting with first nature breathing. She teaches you to keep yourself alive. Awake and alive. She helped save myself (as only I could no longer drags beside me as I stroll happily down that pebble stone path. I no longer yearn for glue. What I thought I needed to be put back together I learned to release. Scattering my baggage back into my center. My hearth. Devouring it like a fault line and recycling it into power for my core. I don’t need to be whole, I need to grow. Wholeness is perspective. Growth is irrefutable. I’ve learned so much about me, about others, the human body, diet, teaching, YOGA! Yoga!Yoga! Healing. Now I can help heal. I can inspire growth. Thanks for the seed! I’m so excited to see the rest of this garden grow! “ ~Lillian W.
“What’s it like to Own Your Power and Not Use it?” Opal Luna asked Claudia
SPINE Academia
SPINE Academia is a year-long immersive explorative adult camp in self-discovery and self-care providing foundational actions and practices to help you find – and live – your purpose. Accountability and Responsibility is a key to Owning your path.
SPINE Academia is designed to cultivate the aspects of our lives that nurture our true self. We will focus on practices that maintain the health of our wholistic (there are no holes here), wellbeing, focusing on the following essential aspects of ourselves:
Nature (which covers nutrition & nature)
Why Now?
These times in our society and on our planet demand that we take responsibility for our lives. But, for many of us, our purpose remains unclear. We have lost touch with our authentic self and inner wisdom. We are separated from ourselves, each other, and the natural world.
The moment we are living demands that we live into the divine reasons that we are here. SPINE Academia invites us to go back to basics and rediscover who we are at our center. It is through the process of understanding ourselves that our true path emerges.
The world needs you to show up. Not Yesterday, but Now! .
How does it work?
SPINE Academy consists of 7-10 students committed to meeting in-person and in nature to do the sometimes hard, often messy, but always worth it work of self discovery.
Classes are led by Claudia Chambers and a community of spiritual advisors, teachers and artists who embrace their calling.
Meeting themes will emerge in response to the needs of the students.
SPINE Academia convenes Sunday, December 20, 2020 and will meet every three weeks, in-person, from 2-5 p.m.
The year-long course concludes on Sunday, December 12, 2021.
Please see the full calendar of meetings dates below
Registration is open now through December 19, 2020.
Full tuition for the year-long SPINE Academia experience is $979.79.
Commit before the Nov 1st, 2020, pay $748.90.
(non-refundable deposit of $148.90; payment options for remaining $600)
This covers instruction for 54 in-person hours of sacred space held by Claudia.
We will be outdoors to immerse ourselves properly in different environments. Dress accordingly in your groovy self attire.
Social distancing and masks as needed is mandatory.
Additional payment will be required for any guest guides. ( Will be announced Shortly).
Students are responsible for providing your own transportation, food and drink, and art supplies.
Are you ready?
SPINE Academia will equip you with the tools necessary for the continuous process of self discovery, building foundational practices for the continued care for and connection to your authentic self throughout your life’s journey.
Need more information? Check out our FAQ’s Here.