Enabler or Empowerer/esss
As 2021 works it way to the shelf, I can’t help to wonder if the world of humans in 2022 will be more full of
Enablers or Empowerersess
Will we choose to stay stuck in our emotions or move past the storms?
There are so many lessons to this Season and the waters are still flowing. In understanding more about Springs, it amazes me how they can work their way up thru the mountain and out of the soil against gravity.
Think about how often we work against gravity.
Flying is just one simple/not so simple example.
It fascinates me how a human brain creates an aluminum container to hold lots of people and be able to travel in the air.
Like really! How is this even possible. So genius and detrimental at the same time.
Now let’s think about how often we work away from common sense.
The storm comes and the storm passes. Sometimes it inconveniences us by staying longer than we would want.
Such an inconvenience. So many obstacles in our lives.
And the obstacles are hidden guides in being okay with what we are not okay with.
The Boulders aren’t really going to obstruct the Spring, just nourish it with minerals and slows it’s path for it purpose.
So here is my mantra.
“”As long as I am still healthy, then it will be okay”.”
So I can consciously choose to enable myself or Empower myself.
It really is a lot of perspective and choice.
Ummmm, I think I’ll choose Empower. What a lovely word.
How do I empower myself?
Every morning. 5:25 am. That has seemed to be the best time for me. I set my alarms and begin my Self Reiki practice.
I lay in bed and have a conversation with my soul. From my toes to the crown of my head. I do a meet and greet in a sense and figure out what I have carried over from the previous day or night. I almost always ask myself about how I slept. Was it a wholesome sleep or unwholesome. Then I of course check my bladder and intestines, bc elimination first thing in the morning and of course through out my day was something that in my 20’s I had to train for.
I chose the career of SelfNess and I couldn’t imagine entering a world everyday, where I don’t understand where I am and what my intentions are for that day.
I chose the career of being the Spring and the Boulder.
And though I say I am not a planner, I do plan on my well being and homeostasis being in check.
I figure, if I can breathe freely, then I can do an intentionally caring job for this world.
So here is where I can Empower others.
If I take care of myself.
I can take others into my space.
A healthy state of mindbody.
I can place my hands on them and sculpt their energies that flow thru their muscles. The human muscles are quite fascinating and they hold on to more than what you may think. The superficial ones get you thru life, but the deeper ones….
Let’s take a moment to talk about the deeper muscles.
They are what I call your emotional muscles. They are where you unconsciously choose to hoard or release Life.
The ups and downs of life.
When I Reiki myself, I connect with both.
It is about knowing and understanding out inner landscape. Our little lives are so precious.
Sometimes all it takes is simple words of compassion to myself to move the tension along.
Simple words of compassion to myself.
Can you try that?
See how your body responds with that.
Let it really settle into all of your cells, that are living and dying every moment.
And see what happens for you.
Feel what happens.