Revamping Majia here @ y Respira

The time is here for me to revamp my offerings. It seems every Spring Majia(our magic Casita), nudges me for a shift. It is the way that cabin fever plays with me. So I have no choice but to listen. This helps me to be here for you in a way that is wholistic to both of us. My greatest fear is burnout these days. I think that is safe to say with any career I choose. The career of guiding others into SelfNess isn’t just a career, it is a Lifestyle I have chosen since I was young and tweaking things little by little to refine my energies has always been mandatory for me.

My lifestyle is simple and rewarding and as everything else in this world there are 2 sides. It can be taxing and heavy on my Spirit if remnants of emotions are not properly taken care of and for me that consists of dedicated time to nurture my energies. Each touch session I do, each class I teach, each space I hold for another is just so sacred. I take my profession/ lifestyle/ career Extremely seriously and so I choose to invest my time in those that know they are worth their ultimate Health of putting themselves as a priority. I AM Proud to say we are not a gym or doctor’s office. They have their own place in this world for sure and have been there for me so much thru this life and others and I AM so happy for them to exist. Majia and I are about living a dedicated quality of life. Of being fearless into the immersion of the highest and best self. Of creating support systems where Spirits/Beings/ Orenda’s can create the life they are meant to live. For others to have the opportunity to spiral out of their hurting habits that breakdown their spirits in the form of one dis-ease or another. We are honoured and proud of those that show up here day to day to make their shift on a cellular level that will reverberate thru the cosmos. We are here as a Safe Space for the InnerChild to Infuse you with a world of Knowledge.

And I get that we all have different capacities. So I do my best to meet others where they are at and not where they should be. With that said… I meet myself where I am everyday and that brings me strength and courage to continue my work in moderation.

With all this said….. There are options for Learning, Touch, & Talk.

Our classes are catered to your needs. What does this mean? This means we don’t run thru scripts to guide you. We intentionally allow ourselves to stay open to guide you where you are. To learn the details of our
classes you may listen or view those details here.

Some of you have reached out about memberships. .
We will continue with
Soleil and Luna Memberships and Adding an only On Demand Online Only Membership.
I am offering packages, monthly memberships and 6 months memberships.

Drops are still an option, but memberships are a way for you to commit to your mind body.

Though we have an elaborate
Repertorire of Wholistic Sessions and Body Work…. I am offering 2 types of sessions:
Silent and Limpias You may find the details
here. I am currently not accepting 80 min sessions and will encourage the attending of classes as the classes will truly Empower you to apply what you need for self evolution.

Do you like to feel Empowered? I DO!

I am currently offering Talk Sessions based on my Duke Health and Well Being Coach Training alongside my SPINE Chats and am loving the program. The awesome part of coaching is that you get to be the best advocate for your health. I am so grateful for this opportunity and support of those around me. I work alongside your doctors, nurses, physical therapist, psychologist and your choice of health team.
I am offering 30 minutes sessions and 60 minute sessions of brainstorming with you on your route to success of connecting with your highest and best Cell/Self. To schedule your one on one time
Click here.

So many beautiful shifts and opportunities to dive into your SelfNess and I love being a part of the bigger world thru small intentional steps into SelfNess.

~ Maktub,
Madrina Claudia


I HAVE TO. For Me.


Spring Singing Bowls w/ Lisa