Now is the time to let anything in your life fall away that is no longer useful or needed for the emerging expression of who you are. Allow yourself to gradually shed what has become burden- son and no longer congruent with your soul's purpose. Conserve your energy by allowing yourself more rest while at the same time making all preparations for the winter season. Look especially at your material possessions and be brutally honest with yourself as you discern which of these can be given away or somehow released.Consider shedding relationships that have served their purpose and are no longer viable, as well as work or a job that has become devoid of interest and passion. With release comes a sense of being much lighter, just like the trees that openly bear their nakedness once their leaves have departed and given room for whatever new Life is ready to birth the following a period of quiet and gestation. So let go of whatever has outlived its purposefulness and trust that something else will take it's place.
Upcoming Events at RNCY!
Yoga Mala (108 Sun Salutations) with Rachel Saturday, September 24, 1-3pmCome join us for this yogic tradition to welcome the new season! No cost, but donations will be accepted, and all proceeds will go to charity: water, a non-profit organization that helps provide potable water to people living in impoverished areas of the world.
Yoga Fusion Workshop with Claudia Saturday, October 1, 10am-12pm at Carolina Power YogaNeed a weekend getaway? Join Claudia in Myrtle Beach for two hours of breathing and discovery through Yoga Fusion! A potpourri of yoga styles, benefits and philosophy will be explored. Cost: $30.Ashtanga Primary Series Workshop with Rachel Saturday, October 8, 1-3:30pmCome explore the full Ashtanga Primary Series in a fun and playful environment! All levels of Ashtanga practitioners are welcome and encouraged to attend. Cost: $30.Yoga for Anxiety & Stress Workshop with Rachel Saturday, November 5, 1-3pmIn this two-hour workshop we will learn how to use our breath, yoga poses and meditation to create a consistently calmer state of mind and body. Cost: $30. Led by Rachel.RSVP for these evens online today to reserve your space!
New Teachers and Classes This Fall at RNCY!
Raleigh NC Yoga is proud to present the most recent graduates from our 200- hour teacher training program: Amanda Soltes, Donna Garrison and Issy Benitez. We are very proud of these wonderful new teachers and all the hard work they put into their training!
Along with our new teachers come new classes this fall:
11am on Sundays with Amanda12-1pm on Pre-Natal Yoga with Issy7:30am on Wednesdays at the NRCC location with Issy6pm Fridays with Amanda
If you are pregnant, keep an eye out for new prenatal classes by Issy, coming soon! (Restorative, beginners' yoga and Peaceful Yoga classes are also great for expectant mothers.)And don't sacrifice your practice just because times are tough - join us for Pay-As-You-Can Yoga on Thursday nights, 7pm with Patricia!
Meet our new Massage Therapist, Jamie Humphries!
Massage is an ancient, time-tested therapy for pain relief, anxiety, depression and a myriad of other physical and emotional conditions. That's why RNCY is happy to welcome Jamie Humphries, LMBT to the studio! Jamie is an experienced and licensed massage therapist (LMBT-11317) now available for appointments at RNCY.Contact the studio at 919-633-8999 to schedule an appointment with Jamie. |