Sanskrit: Ardha Uttanasana (Ardha – half, Uttana – extend)
English: 1/2 Lift
Shape Shifting: Gaze into the Horizon
Lesson of the pose:
We look out to the horizon to revel in the expanse of all our possibilities. To expand “our” horizons to the infinite possibilities that await us each day as we remember to open to the adventure with wonderment and curiosity.
Benefits, Systems, Considerations
Benefit of the pose
(how it will help/systems it supports)
Strengthens the quads, back, glutes and core
Stretches neck and hamstrings
Elongates the spine and opens space between vertebrae
Improves stamina
Systems benefited
Opens space for the lungs (respiratory system) and the digestive system
Elongating the spine, increases circulation (circulatory) and supports the skeletal system
This also allows space and better alignment for the many nerves that are located along the spine as well as strengthening the Muscular system
With Hamstring or back injuries, be sure to keep micro bend in knees and go slow following the breath
Neck injuries be aware of elongating the neck and relaxing shoulders down
If pregnant, a wider stance can allow room for the lower belly to be more comfortable