Sanskrit: Utkatasana
English: Chair Pose
Shape Shifting Posture: Lightening Bolt Posture
Lesson of the Lightning:
The lightning jumps through the air, heating the air and making it expand. The air then quickly contracts again as it cools. “Lightning strikes help dissolve this unusable nitrogen in water, which then creates a natural fertilizer that plants can absorb through their roots. Lightning also produces ozone, a vital gas in our atmosphere that helps shield the planet from rays of harmful ultraviolet sunlight.” ~ Lois Kerr
Benefits, Systems, Considerations
Strengthens thighs and stabilizes knees and ankles
Increases core strength
Engages glutes and hip flexors for stabilization
Opens space for the spine, elongating through the lumbar and sacrum
Opens space in the chest for deeper connection to the breath
Power and flexibility in the shoulders
Skeletal – opening space especially in the spinal area
Muscular – Major muscles of this systems are benefits
Circulatory – raising arms overhead increase circulation
Digestive – organs are massaged and stimulated
Immune – As space is created, breath is expanded supporting stronger immunity
With ankle, Knee or lower back weakness or injury, consideration should be given to the deepness or duration of this pose
Arms can be placed on hips for less strain on the lower back, knees and abdominals