Sanskrit: Uttitha Parsvakonasana
English: Extended Side Angle
Shape Shifting Posture: Bathing Croc
Lesson of the Bathing Croc:
The bathing croc asks us to dive into our emotions and seek fluidity, healing and cleansing in these realms. These creatures are fearless, and their energy is strong; representing an equal balance between earth and water. As we continue our yogic journey, we too can become grounded, and settled in our emotions.
Benefits, Systems, Considerations
Boost Energy
Strengthens the Legs
Lengthens the Sides
Develops endurance
Skeletal – strength and structural support for the spine
Muscular – strengthens and stretches all side body muscles and quadriceps
Circulatory – massages and strengthens heart muscles
Respiratory – Opens chest for deeper breathe
Digestive – supports and stimulates digestion
Reproductive – Relief from menstrual discomfort and infertility
If you have knee pain or injury, don’t bend your front knee quite as deeply.
For balance issues, stand your feet a bit closer
Lower back pain, injury or sacroiliac pain, move slowly following the breath. Can stand with feet a bit closer and hands on hips.
Students with high blood pressure should stay for much shorter periods of time, such as 4-6 breaths and be mindful of any discomfort or dizziness.