Maintaining Our Homeostasis

Maintanance shows in many ways. Maintaining our homeostasis is essential for our times here.
One Life.
2 Feet to connect us to the Earth
2 Legs to carry us thru life
1 Pelvis to connect our upper body with our lower body
1 Torso that carries our organs that help us to process life and to breathe and live
2 Arms & Hands to connect to one another
1 Neck to hold our Head up High
1 Head to process common sense, ego, and intellect
1 Mouth to Communicate
1 Nose to sense our way
2 Eyes to see the world
2 Ears to Listent one another, if not the listen to the wind.
Possibly hair to sense where we are in space.

All essential, all serve a purpose, all worth maintaining.
This doesn’t include our teeth that we can easily clench when they are there to chew or tense our butt cheeks when they are there to propel us forward not to retain our emotions and hoard onto things we don’t need.

I am continuously reinventing the wheels of my life until I am able to sit well with what resonates for me and helps me maintain homeostasis. I store negativity in my lungs and colon, so constant clearing of negative energies will allow me to sleep well. That is one of the many reasons I love Autumn so much.

How are you maintaining these days?

Take a hike, take a few breaths, sit away from technology, journaling,  practice yoga, tai chi, gigong, finding resolution from a bike ride or jog, a car ride into the country, a picnic, a visit to Planet Peace.….
A cleansing shower or dip into the waterfalls….
A healthy meal. A hug. A genuine phone call.
So many options and so many simple options to maintain your sanity.
A healthy approach to yourself is okay and you deserve time. Even a shower worth of time.

As we know, the studio won’t be open to classes but yes to private sessions and wholisitc experiences. I am here for a Self Chat or a Massage or to pull you apart to move better.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to me as you know I am here for you. Even gift a gift to a friend that might be a bit overwhelmed.

You are me and I am you . We are one.
Let’s maintain our homeostasis together.

aka Windhorse.


Confusion to Shutdown


Vulnerability and Me